To Friday 16 June 2023 - 05:00pm
To Friday 16 June 2023 - 05:00pm
A hands-on workshop on “Solid-state NMR methods for studying quadrupolar nuclei” will be held at Radboud University Nijmegen from June 12th to June 16nd 2023. This workshop is part of the outreach activities of the PANACEA EU consortium (
The workshop is open to a maximum of 15 participants and will be focused on both theoretical and practical aspects of solid-state NMR of quadrupolar nuclei. It provides an excellent opportunity for early-stage researchers (PhD students, post-docs and industrial scientists) to discuss with international experts. The workshop will comprehend four theoretical classes and four hands-on (practical) sessions and a dedicated computational session on the final day.
The workshop is open to PhD students, post-docs and industrial scientists who are already familiar with solid-state NMR techniques and intend to expand their knowledge and skills in terms of more advanced methodology or specific applications involving quadrupolar nuclei. The deadline for registration is April 1st, you should submit a CV and a letter of motivation to before this date. Participation is free of charge and includes meals during the workshop, but attendants must pay for their own travel and accommodation expenses. Depending on the budget, we may be able to offer a small allowance for travel expenses after the meeting.
The workshop will include a state-of-the-art overview of the recent developments in the field of NMR quadrupolar nuclei including hands-on session for their implementation on the spectrometer. Furthermore, there will be tutorials on the processing and fitting of the data and the computation of relevant NMR parameters in solid samples. The lessons will be accompanied by a few talks on specific applications involving quadrupolar nuclei by renowned experts in the field (TBA).
The sessions will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to quadrupolar nuclei – Excitation phenomena – quantitation – quadrupolar line shapes
- Methods to obtain isotropic spectra for quadrupolar nuclei (MQMAS/STMAS, DAS, DOR)
- De-and Recoupling involving quadrupolar nuclei (CP, PRESTO, RINEPT,…..)
- Relaxation and Dynamics
- Computational methods for processing, fitting, simulation, and first principal calculations
The 15 participants will be divided into smaller groups rotating through a series of hands-on session focusing on setting up advanced experiments involving quadrupolar nuclei as introduced during the theoretical sessions.
Arno Kentgens (Radboud University) and Thomas Vosegaard (Aarhus University).