Last updated: November 2021

This data protection policy is for all people (hereafter referred to as “User”) who use the Pan-European solid-state NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access (hereafter referred to as “PANACEA”) website. The public website can be found at (hereafter referred to as the “Site”).

The User personal data is collected and processed on this website by the Controller of data processing which is the PANACEA Consortium (hereafter referred to as “PANACEA”), We (hereafter referred to as the “Controller”) and our subcontractors.

Protecting your data and privacy is important to us. We respect your privacy and wish to provide you here with a clear and transparent understanding of the data we collect. We comply with data protection laws, including the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data (the “GDPR”), the Data Protection Act 2018 (United-Kingdom) and any other applicable national acts or regulations regarding the processing of personal data or the protection of privacy. You have rights of access, rectification, opposition, portability, limitation and deletion of your personal data.

To exercise these rights, please write to the address of the Data protection officer (DPO):

CNRS – Service Protection des Données Site Jean Zay – Batiment Ariane 4
2 rue Jean Zay

by mail:

by phone: +333 83 85 64 26

Or contact the Controller by email at:


The Site does not process any particularly sensitive data.
To provide the best possible security, the Site always processes your personal data by transmitting it encrypted. Encryption is ensured by the use of SSL/TLS technology.
The data collected by the Site is accessible to the Controller and to the following subcontractors (data processors) :

No other subcontractor has access to the server or interfaces that may display the personal data collected by the Site.

Treatments not requiring your consent

Tracers ( Cookies )

When you interact with our Site, web analysis technologies allow us to understand your interest in our services and to improve them. Cookies are used for this purpose. They are kept for a period not exceeding the User's session.

The Site uses other cookies for technical reasons only. They allow the provision of the service expressly requested by the User, that is to say, the secure consultation of a non-commercial site including protected areas.
The session cookie necessary for the operation of the system is destroyed once the session has expired, or when the User exits his browser.
Apart from these cookies, the site does not store nor transmit any cookies that may contain your personal data.


In order to allow the provision of the service expressly requested by the User, that is to say, the secure consultation of a non-commercial site including protected areas, the Site records into logs information related to invalid connection attempts, errors (of navigation, loading, form submission, etc.) to development information such as the use of obsolete applications and to the actions of users connected to the administration area of the site.
Logs of blocked attacks are also kept up to date by various system components, including antivirus and firewall software.
In order to be relevant, the information recorded in the logs includes the User's IP address and timestamp information. In the absence of cross-treatments with other processing operations allowing more precise identification of the Users, the collection of information for the Site's logs does not require the consent of the User.
The data associated with the events recorded in the logs is automatically deleted after 90 days, except for those relating to blocked attacks which are kept indefinitely for security reasons.

Treatments requiring your consent

The consent of the User is collected before or during the collection of the data concerned by these treatments.

Information collected during the creation of a customer account

The name and email address of the User are systematically collected when creating the user account, as well as his/her preferences regarding subscriptions to newsletters that are sent by the Controller.
This account and its information are kept for a maximum period of three years from the time of their collection or after the last confirmation of consent from the User.
As soon as the Registered User logs into his/her account, he/she can access a “My Data” page allowing to exercise his/her rights about the use of his/her data and to change his/her consent to subscribe to the various newsletter

Information collected when sending a scientific project proposal
Personal and professional contact information is systematically collected when a project is submitted:

  • Last name and first name
  • Email Address
  • Address and code Unit of Laboratory or Institution of the user
  • Phone number

This information is kept for a maximum of three years from the time it is collected, after which it is made anonymous (replaced by random strings).
Information about the users' scientific projects, of a non-personal nature or collected non-systematically is kept indefinitely and is not subject to any systematic measure of anonymization. However, the anonymization of any personal data that may be collected as an option may be carried out on a case-by-case basis, following the user's request to the Controller.

Information collected when a publication is sent

Contact information is collected when a publication is sent:

  • Last name and first name
  • Email Address
  • Phone

This information is transmitted to the controller only so that he can contact the user if necessary. These data are not kept.
Information collected when registering for an event
The name and email address of the User are systematically collected when registering for an event.
The subscription to a Newsletter list allowing the user to receive email notifications about the event for which he/she registered can be activated when filling the registration form.
This information is kept for a maximum period of three years from the moment when it is collected.