19 May - 23 May 2025

Workshop on Paramagnetic NMR & DNP enhanced solid-state NMR

The workshop is open to PhD students, post-docs and industrial scientists who are already familiar with solid-state NMR techniques and intend to expand their knowledge and skills in terms of more advanced methodology. More information on the program and registration toc one soon !

25 Sep - 26 Sep 2024
User meetings

Third Annual User Meeting in Aveiro

Third Annual User Meeting in Aveiro
A two-day European forum for high-level discussions between academic and industrial users, and consortium partners on the latest developments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy and their applications in modern chemistry and materials research.

NMR related events

Central European NMR Symposium & Bruker User's Meeting

We are pleased to announce that Guido PINTACUDA, project coordinator, will be representing PANACEA at the Central European NMR Symposium & Bruker User's Meeting! 

16 Jun - 21 Jun 2024

PANACEA Solid-state NMR School in Venice - Fundamentals of solid-state NMR spectroscopy for chemists

NMR related events

Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)

We are pleased to announce that PANACEA will be present at the 2024 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) !

15 Nov - 16 Nov 2023
User meetings

Second annual Users meeting in Florence

A two-day European forum for high-level discussions between academic and industrial users, and consortium partners on the latest developments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy and their applications in modern chemistry and materials research.

NMR related events

Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids

The Alpine conference is a high-level international forum for the discussion of recent developments and applications in the field of magnetic resonance in solids.

11 Jul 2023

Workshop - EUROMAR 2023

We are very please to annouce we will organise a workshop at the EUROMAR conference 2023 in Glasgow. Save the date! PANACEA will deliver a workshop on Tuesday, 11 of July from 12:45 to 1:45pmWe are very please to annouce we will organise a workshop at the EUROMAR conference 2023 in Glasgow!

Save the date! PANACEA will deliver a workshop on Tuesday, 11 of July from 12:45 to 1:45pm

NMR related events


The Congress takes place in-person from Sunday 9th to Thursday 13th July 2023 at the Scottish Events Campus, Glasgow, Scotland, a dedicated, fully equipped and serviced conference and exhibition facility located on the banks of the River Clyde.

12 Jun - 16 Jun 2023

Workshop on Solid-state NMR on Quadrupolar NMR

The workshop is open to PhD students, post-docs and industrial scientists who are already familiar with solid-state NMR techniques and intend to expand their knowledge and skills in terms of more advanced methodology or specific applications involving quadrupolar nuclei. The deadline for registration is March 1st for the online part (https://events.au.dk/panacea-course-on-quadrupolar-nuclei/signup). If you opt for the in-person workshop only, you should submit a CV and a letter of motivation to before May 12th. Participation is free of charge and includes meals during the workshop, but attendants must pay for their own travel and accommodation expenses. Depending on the budget, we may be able to offer a small allowance for travel expenses after the meeting.

NMR related events

Ampere Biological Solid-State NMR School 2023

PANACEA is partner of the AMPERE Summer School in Biological Solid-State NMR (2023) which will take place as a two part course. The first part is a weekly online course while the second part will be held in person in Aarhus, Denmark.  The deadline for registration is March 1st for the online part.

18 Oct - 19 Oct 2022
User meetings

Solid-state NMR for the gifted chemist

DAY 1.png
A two-day European forum for high-level discussions between academic and industrial users, and consortium partners on the latest developments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy and their applications in modern chemistry and materials research.

30 Aug - 02 Sep 2022

Workshop on solid-state NMR methods for pharmaceutical formulations

Solid-state NMR methods for pharmaceutical formulations. The course targets both experimentalists who wish to use NMR in combination with computational methods, and symmetrically theoretical chemists who wish to incorporate NMR data into their research. Applicants should submit a CV, a letter of motivation and a support letter from your supervisor to . Participation is free of charge and includes meals during the workshop, but attendants must pay for their own travel and accommodation expenses.

10 Jul - 14 Jul 2022
User meetings

Satellite event at the EUROMAR

Euromar is an annual international meeting about Magnetic Resonance. It is organised by Euromar, a subdivision of the Groupement Ampere. Euromar covers all aspects of Magnetic Resonance, including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).