Third Annual User Meeting in Aveiro
User meetings
25 Sep - 26 Sep 2024

Third Annual User Meeting in Aveiro

A two-day European forum for high-level discussions between academic and industrial users, and consortium partners on the latest developments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy and their applications in modern chemistry and materials research.

PANACEA brings together and integrates eight national solid-state NMR infrastructures in Europe and in the United States and opens them to all European chemists, from both academia and industry. Funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 framework program, the project started on September the 1st 2021 for a period of four years. 


PANACEA User profile : Kathryn GERL

CNRS LYON and Separative collaborated for a taster day in the within the framework of the PANACEA project, Showcasing solid-state NMR on Silica material.

The PANACEA Summer School, held from June 16th to 21st, 2024 on San Servolo Island, immersed 68 participants in Solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The program featured lectures on Quantum Mechanics, NMR Hamiltonians, DFT calculations, and practical sessions covering pulse programming and MAS NMR. The event fostered interactive discussions, round tables, and culminated in a gala dinner, celebrating advancements in NMR spectroscopy.


16 Jun - 21 Jun 2024

PANACEA Solid-state NMR School in Venice - Fundamentals of solid-state NMR spectroscopy for chemists

User meetings
25 Sep - 26 Sep 2024

Third Annual User Meeting in Aveiro

Third Annual User Meeting in AveiroA two-day European forum for high-level discussions between academic and industrial users, and consortium partners on the latest developments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy and their applications in modern chemistry and materials research.

We encourage all European researchers from academia and industry to use our solid-state NMR facilities, for research projects relevant in any sector of chemistry: pharmaceutics, fuels, batteries, phosphors, cosmetics, sustainable development, polymers, food and feed, crop selection, water treatment, biomaterials, biomaterials, inorganic-organic photoconduction devices, rocks and minerals, cementitious materials, etc.

