We are very please to annouce we will organise a workshop at the EUROMAR conference 2023 in Glasgow!
PANACEA will deliver a workshop on Tuesday, 11 of July from 12:45 to 1:45pm. We are waiting for your participation!
The PANACEA (A Pan-European Solid-State NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access) consortium brings together seven national infrastructures across Europe (CNRS in France, Aarhus University in Denmark, CERM-CIRMMP in Italy, Radboud University in the Netherlands, University of Aveiro in Portugal, Göteborg University in Sweden and University of Warwick in the UK), incorporates one infrastructure in the United States (at Florida State University) and opens them to all European researchers, from both academia and industry. Bruker Biospin and Mestrelab, as well as EPFL and the Weizmann Institute of Science are also involved in the consortium.
In parallel to access, the partners will develop joint research and networking activities with the objective to improve the quality and quantity of the services provided by the infrastructures, and facilitate the use of modern solid-state NMR by non-expert users, widening the opportunities for novel application areas in chemistry.
Funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 framework program, the project started on 1st September 2021 for a period of four years. This lunchtime event will update on progress with the project, explain the access process, and highlight upcoming events, including the 2nd annual users meeting in Florence, Italy, November 14th to 16th.
We are very please to annouce we will organise a workshop at the EUROMAR conference 2023 in Glasgow!
Save the date! PANACEA will deliver a workshop on Tuesday, 11 of July from 12:45 to 1:45pm